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Alternative Storage Options

UAB Offers alternative storage options to faculty, staff, and students. You can find all of those details here.

Please note, these services are maintained by UAB IT, and Ask IT manages usage and access to these services.

Box Storage

To find information on Box, and how to log in to your Box account, please find those details here..

Finding your Box Storage Total

The following steps will guide you on how to access your Box Storage total, how much Box storage you have used, and how much storage you have left.

  1. When you are logged into Box, click on the Profile/Account Icon. This is usually in the top right corner of the Box landing page, and should be your intials in the format "FL" (F = First Name; L = Last Name).

  2. On the drop down menu select "Account Settings". A tab named "Account" should now be visible.

    !Box Profile/Account Icon

  3. Scroll down the tab Account, to a section named "Account Details". Your Box storage information would now be visible.

    !Box Storage Information