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Shell Commands

Message a User

The write command can be used to message a user on the same node. The command takes 2 arguments, the USER followed by the user's terminal. Ex: write blaze pts/3

The command allows you to enter one or more lines of text and is sent by pressing CTRL D.

The following command will message the user on all of their terminals:

for term in $(w $user | grep $user | awk '{print $2}'); do
  echo "Please do not run jobs on the login node" | write $user $term;

Extend TimeLimit for a Job

Occassionaly, we will get a request from a user to extend the TimeLimit for a job(s).

TimeLimit=<time> The job's time limit. Output format is [days-]hours:minutes:seconds or "UNLIMITED". Input format (for update command) set is minutes, minutes:seconds, hours:minutes:seconds, days-hours, days-hours:minutes or days-hours:minutes:seconds. Time resolution is one minute and second values are rounded up to the next minute. If changing the time limit of a job, either specify a new time limit value or precede the time and equal sign with a "+" or "-" to increment or decrement the current time limit (e.g. "TimeLimit+=30"). In order to increment or decrement the current time limit, the JobId specification must precede the TimeLimit specification. Note that incrementing or decrementing the time limit for a job array is only allowed before the job array has been split into more than one job record.

Example: Extend the TimeLimit for three jobs by 10 more days

for job in 15202444 15202445 15202446; do
  scontrol show job $job | grep TimeLimit | awk '{print $2}'
  scontrol update jobid=$job TimeLimit=+10-00
  scontrol show job $job | grep TimeLimit | awk '{print $2}'
Note: Job Arrays can't be incremented / decremented and must modified with absolute runtimes. For example, to extend a job with a TimeLimit of 1 day 2 hours by an additional day, you would use TimeLimit=2-02:00:00

Fix User Directories and Slurm Account

The following is code you can use to fix, if necessary, one or more users directories and Slurm accounts.

You can either specify the number of users to tail from getent passwd to fix/verify the X most recently created accounts. Alternately, comment out the first users=, uncomment the second users= and add users space delimited

users="$(getent passwd | tail -n ${num_users} | awk -F: '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' ')"
#users='blaze uabrules'
#users="`echo ${users} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`"

for user in `echo $users` ; do
  echo $user
  sudo /cm/shared/apps/slurm/current/bin/sacctmgr --immediate add Account $user
  sudo /cm/shared/apps/slurm/current/bin/sacctmgr --immediate add User Accounts=$user $user

  if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
    echo "Creating directory $dir"
    sudo cp -a /etc/skel $dir
    sudo chown -R ${user}:${user} $dir
    sudo chmod 700 $dir
    sudo chown -R ${user}:${user} $dir
    sudo chmod 700 $dir
  unset dir
  for dir in /data/user/$user /scratch/$user /data/temporary-scratch/$user; do
    if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
      echo "Creating directory $dir"
      sudo mkdir $dir
      sudo chown ${user}:${user} $dir
      sudo chmod 700 $dir
      sudo chown -R ${user}:${user} $dir
      sudo chmod 700 $dir

  for dir in /home/$user /data/user/$user /scratch/$user /data/temporary-scratch/$user; do
    ls -ld $dir

unset users num_users